The Best Gifts Ideas For Coffee Lovers in 2021

The Best Gifts Ideas For Coffee Lovers in 2021

With the holiday season fast approaching, there’s a pretty good chance you’re doing the last mad dash of brainstorming gift ideas before you head out for an explosive Christmas shop following COVD-19.

With the family checked off the list, like the parents, the kids and cousins it’s time to move on to the friends. And if you’ve got some coffee-loving friends, then boy do we have the list for you this year.

Whether you have coffee-lover friends who just love to drink coffee, enjoy brewing their own or love the scent of coffee — we have plenty of gift ideas for coffee lovers below, take a look!

Segmenting the Types of Coffee Lovers

If you’re a coffee lover yourself, you will agree with us when we say there are different groups of coffee lovers that enjoy entirely different aspects and types of coffee. There’s the friends and family who are addicted to the cafe down the road, then there’s the ones who will quite literally crack open a bag of coffee beans and go to town without even brewing them.

Here’s our quick run down of how we segmented our ideas, and how to gift-give for the different types of coffee lovers this holiday season.

The Traditional Coffee Lover

The friend who’s likely from Melbourne, this person is the one who’s more happy to learn about the culture of coffee, where it’s come from and who drinks it — more so than just the coffee itself.

Whether it’s a great coffee table book or a guide on how to brew some global coffees, this friend will be happy with anything coffee-related on top of the coffee itself.

The Sporadic Coffee Lover

For the friends who are on the bleeding edge of all things coffee and are always down to try something new, expensive and experimental. If it’s that famous cat poop coffee or just about anything else, they’re here to try it and will love it regardless of what it tastes like.

A good gift guide for these friends is to go crazy and unique wherever you can, they’ll be sure to love it, and honestly, the whackier the better.

The At-home Barista

You know those friends who are more likely to brew their coffee at home because nothing tastes right from a cafe? These guys are covered in our list below too. When it comes to everything being exactly right, there’s the gift on the cards in our selection of gift ideas.

Whether it’s a technical coffee brewing guide, some perfectly roasted beans or a carefully engineered French press, we have some ideas!

The Beans

For all of your friends and family who have a love for brewing their coffee at home, or have a coffee machine that takes care of the grinds, then we have some great coffee beans for coffee-lovers below.

You might not have heard much about these beans, and that’s a good thing! Your friends probably won’t have either, and who doesn’t love a surprise during the holidays?

Grinders Organic Coffee

The coffee beans that your friends may know on this list are the Grinders Organic Coffee Beans, but that’s alright.

These beans are award-winning and the blend is incredible with its medium roast and perfectly executed flavour tones that release the caramelisation perfectly. There’s a harmonious flavour balance with these beans too, and that means its great for the everyday coffee before work.

This isn’t a coffee bean for the at-home barista we mentioned above, but it’s a great bean for everyone else!

To add, it is a fair trade bean and it’s organic too, so you’re doing your bit for the industry and the planet.

Sons of Amazon Dark Roast

If strong is what you’re looking for, then the Sons of Amazon Dark Roast is your one stop for the coffee lover who wants to try something new and ultra-potent.

These beans have been roasted to oblivion and are 200 per cent stronger than just about any other coffee you’ll find in a cafe. They’re also right out of the Amazon, so you’re sharing a global experience here too.

We’re also happy to say that the strength of the coffee bean doesn’t do too much to the flavour either! It’s still a smooth brew and it even has a nice chocolatey undertone, making it a nice difference from a lot of other brews you might find.

In all, it’s the ideal coffee for those friends who demand a quad shot coffee from the local cafe.

Byron Bay Coffee Beans

For the coffee lovers who are partial to perfection in their flavours, then the Byron Bay Coffee Beans are your top pick.

As you might know, the Byron Bay Coffee Company prides itself on the roasting processes, so much so they’ve developed their own. The brand has worked tirelessly to form a roasting technique that balances flavour and strength and we’re happy to say they really did get it close to perfect.

The coffee from these beans is rich, delicious and creamy, perfect for an early morning or even midmorning cuppa.

It’s very well-balanced and with that said, it slowly makes its way into the traditional coffee lover’s heart.

Blacklist Coffee Roasters Pitch Blend

Coming in hot for the at-home barista coffee lover, the Blacklist Coffee Roaster’s Pitch Blend is the ideal coffee bean for anyone wanting to see what a bean with a punch is like.

Keep in mind that whoever you gift this coffee bean bag to will have to have a coffee grinder, though there’s a big pay off when the flavour hits. It’s not the richest coffee, but there is a result that’s a little more powerful than a regular medium coffee which is always a nice touch.

If you want, you could have the Blacklist team pre-grind the beans for you if your recipient doesn’t have a grinder — or you could nab one from further down our list.

The Coffee Table Books

When it comes to the coffee lover who enjoys sitting and learning about coffee, then these awesome coffee table books will be a great coffee lover gift this holiday season.

DK’s Coffee Obsession

Your coffee-loving friends will find more than just interesting tidbits about coffee in this book, with plenty of different recipes also on offer in here too. There’s a real coffee producing adventure hidden in here that goes deep into the process from harvesting all the way to drinking the coffee.

From beginner to expert and those newbie coffee lovers, the Coffee Obsession by DK is a great place to start when it comes to coffee table books.

The World Atlas of Coffee

One of the more intellectually-written books on coffee, this book is a real gem with regards to the coffee world. Taking your friends on a journey from where coffee has come from, what it’s becoming and how people across the globe drink their own brews.

Coffee Cookbook

A more on-the-nose book, the Coffee Cookbook is packed with different recipes and brewing tips to help any coffee lover get the most out of their newly received coffee beans this holiday season.

The Coffee-lover Accessory Essentials

We’re happy to say that a lot of the items below aren’t as common as you’d think, which is fantastic if you’re looking to offer up a gift that’s going to be a welcomed surprise.

Whether you have family, friends and other loved ones who drink coffee daily, or all day, these items are going to help them make the most of their daily brew, and might make it a bit easier to brew, drink and store their coffee!

The Huskee Coffee Cup

For the eco-conscious coffee drinker, the ultra-lightweight reusable cup from Huskee is a winner all around.

It’s designed with non-toxic and biodegradable materials so it’s not only a great gift for the holidays, but also a good one for the planet too. To add, the cool-touch exterior keeps the cup easily handleable when a hot brew has been poured in, so no one’s dealing with burning hot fingers.

The design is also very well insulated so when it comes to keeping the day’s coffee hot for a lot longer, it is really easy. The cup actively keeps beverages warm when out for a stroll and in a crisp breeze too — there’s no need to tip out an ice-cold coffee any longer.

Insulated Coffee Glasses

When it comes time to have a long-lasting coffee at home, there’s nothing better than an insulated coffee glass. The transparent look is really elegant and great for Instagram, but it’s also good at keep coffee warm in the living room too.

We’ve all been there, when morning chores take a bit too long, and leave us with a cold cup of coffee that we have no choice but to tip out or painfully over-heat in the microwave.

A double-layered glass insulated cup is the ideal solution for this issue as it’s going to make sure your loved one’s coffees stay nice and hot for longer in the morning.

AirTight Canisters

To go hand in hand with our coffee bean gift ideas, an airtight canister is the optimal way to keep your loved one’s new favourite coffee beans lasting longer.

With an airtight canister there’s little to no way that their coffee beans will dry out or lose their freshness. Plus, with a date on top of the canister, no one is going to be forgetting the ideal used by date for their coffee beans either.

And to add, being airtight, pre-ground coffee can be stored in these canisters too. That means there’s no rush to get the daily grind in before a brew, everything is simply ready to go.

A Knock Box

For our at-home barista coffee lovers, a knock box is an essential that far too many people skimp on. There’s nothing worse than having nowhere to easily dispose coffee grounds, other than the bin — which is rather wasteful.

With a knock box there’s an effortless way to knock out your used coffee grinds and head to the garden to use them as compost!

A Barista Essentials Kit

Last up is our gift idea for the coffee lovers who really want to take their at-home coffee game to a whole new level — but haven’t found out how to go about that just yet.

An at-home barista essentials kid comes with everything from a milk jug, temperature gauge, tamper and pens to help out with latte art.

Most of these kits are stainless steel and ultra durable, so throwing them in the dishwasher is a given.

They’re a super easy, fun and educational gift to help any coffee lover step up their game from the convenience of their own home.

The Coffee Machines and Makers

If your friend or family member needs a little help when brewing at home, or you’re looking to usher them away from that god-awful instant coffee — then we have some more great gift ideas for you.

The coffee makers and machines below are all simple to use and work great for anyone looking to get the best brew from home with little effort.

A Vietnamese Coffee Maker

All coffee lovers will have heard about Vietnam’s incredible coffee, and with an awesome Vietnamese Coffee Maker your coffee-loving friends will be making a sweet and powerful cup of coffee Vietnamese-style!

The good news is that there’s no need for anything extra with these coffee makers either, no power or even paper filters.

Bialetti Pour Over Coffee

Designed for the coffee loving friends of yours who aren’t too into the idea of brewing at home but don’t want to dip down to the instant coffee level, the Bialetti Pour Over Coffee maker is the next best thing.

It’s an effortless maker that is ideal for whipping up a quick, fresh cup of coffee from coffee extracts. All that’s required is some hot water being pored over the coffee extracts and you’re all set. The flavours are great and it’s the next best thing to a fresh brew from a professional level coffee maker or pod maker.

This pour over coffee maker offers a great minimal design too, so it suits just about any modern kitchen.

Asobu Pour Over Set

Another pour over coffee maker, with a stylish touch is the Asobu Pour Over Set. It’s one of the most elegantly designed on the market and we’re absolutely certain any newbie coffee lover will adore this set.

As we know already, it is simply a pour over set and that’s it, so nothing amazing is coming out of this coffee maker. Though, it’s perfect for getting those coffee lovers away from their instant freeze dried coffee.

All your gift recipient will need to do is pour their hot water over the grounds and that’s all — they’re left with a great tasting cup of coffee with no fuss.

Bodum Pour Coffee Maker

Our third stylish pour over coffee maker comes from Bodum, and we’re glad to say that, again, it’s designed to suit any kitchen.

There’s a little more on offer here though, with a stainless mesh filter, cork band as well as a glass glass carafe. That said, the stainless takes care of fiddling with a paper filter, so that’s a plus.

Two brew options work with this maker too, so there’s a little more control from Bodum. Four minutes gives a nice rich coffee and that means it’s a little shorter than a typical morning brew.

Breville Bambino Plus Machine

Finally, for the coffee lover who’s ready to transform their kitchen into a cafe, the Bambino Plus is here to save the day.

It’s a fully automatic coffee machine that routinely outputs amazing, fully flavoured coffee with that iconic velvety texture that only cafes can normally provide. There’s a milk frother here too, so your loved ones won’t have any issue at all getting that great foamy top on their coffee for Instagram.

The Novelty Nerdy Stuff

We all have a friend who’s happy to receive just a fun, little coffee related gift to add to their collection and we’re more than glad to oblige in helping you find this.

Some Coffee Scales

Best given to the friend that is either incredibly particular about their coffee, or to the one who knows nothing at all about brewing at home — coffee scales will be a great hit.

Coffee scales are the best way to measure and calculate the strength of an at-home brew, and our technical coffee loving friends will be oh-so-grateful for this gift.

A good majority of the coffee scales you’ll find are battery powered and made of a nice, soft-touch plastic, which means they’re easy to keep clean and store after use.

Espresso Shot Glasses

A fun novelty gift for the newbie and an essential coffee making tool for the technical coffee lover, the espresso shot glass or measuring glass is the easiest way to measure the power of a coffee.

With measuring lines dictating single, double, triple and quad shots, these glasses are the most straightforward way to whip up a brew that’s just as strong or as weak as you’d like it.

And for the newbie, they’re just a fun and rather ‘adult’ way of getting that morning espresso shot down the hatch.

Stovetop Gooseneck Kettles

Throwing it back to yesteryear, gooseneck kettles are an incredible gift for anyone who wants to add a touch of tradition to their friend or loved one’s kitchen. These kettles are often industrial looking and a great way to boil up a brew from the kitchen.

Hard-wearing and robust, they’re ideal for the manly-man coffee brewer, or anyone looking at adding a retro or colonial style of the old days when pouring their morning cup of coffee.

Coffee Pod Lovers

We all know that there’s nothing easier than using a pod machine, and for coffee lovers who are a little stuck with what to buy next, we might have some rare goodies below.

Pod & Parcel Bumper Pack

For Nespresso Machines, the Pod & Parcel pods are a great, flavoursome biodegradable coffee solution for those coffee lovers who really want that coffee-shop flavour without having to make the trip there.

Pod and Parcel are one of the most reputable brands in their field and with a mission to recreate cafe coffee from the home, the reputation is well-deserved.

SealPod Starter Kit

If plastic isn’t up your alley when it comes to gift giving, the SealPod starter kit is a great stainless steel pod alternative. These coffee pod capsules are steel, so there’s little waste and no plastic to routinely throw away.

In the starter kit there’s one capsule and small sticker lids that help your loved ones make an authentic pod for use at home.

The best part though, these can be filled with real ground coffee! That means creating pods that are fine tuned exactly to your coffee-loving friend’s taste! The ultimate gift for anyone who is super partial when it comes to coffee.

Dingo’s Biodegradable Coffee Pod Pack

Another brand hitting back at single use plastic pods, Dingo offers a great gift in their coffee pod pack made of biodegradable plastics.

These pods are a lot greener than the rest and they’re compatible with Nespresso machines, and have a tonne of flavours on offer and roast grades too. These are one of the easier ways to gift your friends a clean, flavourful and eco-friendly coffee.

And That’s It!

There you have it. All of our 2021 coffee-lover gifts to make your caffeine addicted friend’s Christmas or birthday morning a great one.

Our biggest tips when searching for a coffee-lover’s gift is to understand the type of coffee lover they are, and go from there. Because, as we’re sure you’ll know, we all love coffee — just different aspects of it.

And with all that said, happy gifting!

Sarah Azzi

Sarah Azzi

Sarah Azzi is a mum from Sydney who loves testing the latest goods around the house. She is avid fan of Netflix. Sarah aims to provide the best information for visitors on to find a good deal.